Section 13A-6-181 - Fines; counseling or educational training programs; pretrial diversion program(a)(1) Notwithstanding any other fines, restitution, court costs, or docket fees, upon conviction for the offense of promoting prostitution under Division 1 of Article 3 of Chapter 12, or a violation of subsection (b) or (d) of Section 13A-12-121, a mandatory fine of five hundred dollars ($500) shall be assessed. The court shall order the five hundred dollar ($500) fine to be paid to the clerk of court to be distributed to a court-certified therapeutic counseling entity that provides education, treatment, and prevention counseling to adult persons convicted of prostitution offenses.(2) Any fine imposed by the court for a second or subsequent conviction under subdivision (1) shall increase by 50 percent for each subsequent conviction through a fourth conviction.(b) A court may order an adult person convicted of an offense under Division 1 of Article 3 of Chapter 12 or subsection (b) or (d) of Section 13A-12-121 to successfully attend counseling or an educational training program designed to reduce recidivism rates for these violations. Attendance of such programs shall be at the cost and expense of the person convicted of the offense.(c) An adult person who is charged with an offense under subsection (b) or (d) of Section 13A-12-121 and has no prior arrest or convictions for an offense under Sections 13A-12-111, 13A-12-112, 13A-12-113, and 13A-12-121, or an offense in any other state that has the same or similar elements as those sections, may be accepted into a pretrial diversion program, provided the adult person satisfied the requirements of subsections (a) and (b), as well as any other conditions imposed pursuant to the pretrial diversion program.(d) Under no circumstance may an adult person be admitted into a pretrial diversion program if he or she has been previously convicted of an offense under Sections 13A-12-111, 13A-12-112, 13A-12-113, and 13A-12-121, or an offense in any other state which has the same or similar elements as those sections.(e) A person charged with an offense defined under 13A-12-120, in violation of subsection (a) or (c) of Section 13A-12-121, may be accepted in a pretrial diversion program, provided that he or she meets the requirements of a pretrial diversion program within the jurisdiction where the offense occurred.Ala. Code § 13A-6-181 (1975)
Added by Act 2016-282,§ 4, eff. 8/1/2016.