- Section 21200 - Person riding bicycle or operating pedicab upon highway
- Section 21200.5 - Unlawful to ride bicycle upon highway while under the influence
- Section 21201 - Equipment
- Section 21201.3 - Steady or flashing blue warning light
- Section 21201.5 - Unlawful sale of reflex reflector or reflectorized tire; unlawful sale of bicycle not equipped with reflectors
- Section 21202 - Riding close to right-hand curb or edge of roadway
- Section 21203 - Attachment to streetcar or vehicle prohibited
- Section 21204 - Use of seat
- Section 21205 - Carrying of package which prevents keeping at least one hand upon handlebars prohibited
- Section 21206 - No prevention of local regulation of registration of bicycles and parking and operation of bicycles on pedestrian or bicycle facilities
- Section 21207 - No prohibition of local authorities from establishing bicycle lanes
- Section 21207.5 - Operation of motorized bicycle
- Section 21208 - Use of bicycle lane
- Section 21209 - Prohibited use of bicycle lane by motor vehicle
- Section 21210 - Prohibited bicycle parking
- Section 21211 - Prohibited stopping, standing, sitting, or loitering
- Section 21212 - Bicycle helmet requirements
- Section 21213 - Class 3 electric bicycle operating restrictions
- Section 21214 - Study on electric bicycles
- Section 21214.5 - [Effective 1/1/2025] [Operative until 1/1/2029] Marin Electric Bicycle Safety Pilot Program
- Section 21214.7 - [Effective 1/1/2025] [Effective until 1/1/2029] San Diego Electric Bicycle Safety Pilot Program