- Section 31300 - Title of act
- Section 31301 - Legislative findings and declaration
- Section 31302 - Administration of provisions; coordination of activities
- Section 31303 - Adoption of guidelines and criteria for administration
- Section 31305 - Considerations in reviewing grant applications and restoration plans
- Section 31306 - Capital projects and capital programs
- Section 31307 - Authority to award grants
- Section 31308 - Amount of funding for project
- Section 31309 - Funding cost of preparing plans
- Section 31310 - Option to acquire interest in real property
- Section 31311 - Costs of providing parks, open space or other public areas and facilities
- Section 31311.5 - Grants to provide new or expanded facilities for commercial fishing industry
- Section 31312 - Health and Safety Code provisions applicable
- Section 31313 - Funds remaining after completion
- Section 31314 - Plans prepared for Port of San Francisco
- Section 31315 - Administration of state funds for improvement of fishing harbors on public trust lands
- Section 31316 - Projects or activities for which grants awarded