Section 53567 - [Effective 1/1/2025] [Operative until 7/31/2025] Leasing to unhoused person not meeting requirements; income and eligibility requirements(a)(1) In the City and County of Los Angeles, where the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development has granted an authority, as defined in Section 34203, a waiver effective August 17, 2024, to allow household income verifications to occur after a lease contract is signed for unhoused populations seeking entry into projects pursuant to or in connection with Section 5.110 of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, if an owner or a management agent leases a subsidized unit to an unhoused person and subsequently learns and verifies that the unhoused person does not meet applicable income requirements, then the department shall not take any negative actions against the owner or management agent if both of the following conditions are met: (A) The owner or management agent has cured the noncompliance within 24 months of discovery of the violation.(B) The local housing authority and continuum of care have developed and posted on their respective internet websites a plan describing how the local housing authority and continuum of care will coordinate with the owner or management agent to move tenants that do not meet applicable income requirements into affordable housing where the tenant is eligible for occupancy within 24 months of discovery of the violation. Income ineligible tenants shall retain their unhoused targeting eligibility.(2) For purposes of this subdivision, "negative actions" include, but are not limited to, both of the following: (A) Issuing negative points on a current or future application.(B) Imposing a financial penalty.(b) If an agreement between the owner or management agent and the authority or the department restricts a unit to a tenant earning no more than 30 percent of the area median income, the tenant shall be deemed to satisfy the income requirements of this program during the 24-month period described in paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) if all of the following conditions are met: (1) The tenant experienced homelessness prior to moving into the unit. For purposes of this paragraph, "homelessness" has the same meaning as "homeless," as that term is defined in Section 578.3 of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations.(2) The tenant self-certified household income at no more than 30 percent of the area median income.(3) A third-party verification shows that the tenant has household income of no more than 50 percent of the area median income, unless the tenant is otherwise eligible pursuant to federal income eligibility requirements.(4) The tenant's income certification is fully verified in accordance with the program rules within 90 days of the date the tenant took possession of the unit.(5) At least 50 percent of the assisted units restricted to 30 percent area median income are occupied by verified, income-eligible households.(6) The issuing housing authority and continuum of care, in coordination with other public agencies, coordinate with an owner or a management agent and move a tenant found to have a household income of more than 50 percent of the area median income following third-party verification described in paragraph (3) within 24 months of discovery of the violation to an affordable housing unit for which the tenant is eligible without reliance upon the same waiver described in subdivision (a). Income ineligible tenants shall retain their unhoused targeting eligibility.(c)(1) This section does not modify any other eligibility requirements attached to assistance provided by the Department of Housing and Community Development.(2) Tenant self-certified date of birth shall be accepted so long as the agreement between the department and the owner does not impose age-based demographic targeting requirements.(3) If the conditions described in subdivision (b) are met, absent any rent setting methodology from subsidy programs, a tenant whose adjusted income at move-in exceeded 30 percent area median income shall have an effective rent limit for their unit be redesignated to 50 percent of area median income or, if the tenant's verified income is higher than 50 percent of area median income, an effective rent limit for their unit be redesignated to an area median income level commensurate with the income level.(4) Owner or management agents shall discontinue use of the waiver as described in subdivision (a) in the event that more than 50 percent of the assisted units restricted to 30 percent area median income are occupied by households with adjusted incomes at move-in over 30 percent area median income.(d) This section shall become inoperative on July 31, 2025, or the final expiration date of a waiver as described in subdivision (a), whichever is later, and, as of January 1 of the following year, is repealed.Ca. Health and Saf. Code § 53567
Added by Stats 2024 ch 491 (SB 1500),s 6, eff. 1/1/2025.