- Section 12300 - Generally
- Section 12300.1 - Precautions against theft, alteration of instruments and burglary
- Section 12300.2 - Name business conducted under
- Section 12300.3 - Trust funds
- Section 12300.4 - Use of funds received
- Section 12300.5 - Funds deposited into trust account
- Section 12300.6 - Use of funds prior to separation and deposit
- Section 12301 - Branch offices and agencies
- Section 12301.1 - Notification to commissioner after establishing mobile unit, branch office or agency; termination
- Section 12301.2 - Account of licensee maintained at bank authorized to do business in state
- Section 12301.3 - Signature or authorization to sell or pay checks, drafts or money orders
- Section 12301.4 - Termination and cancellation of agency upon instruction from commissioner
- Section 12301.5 - Requirements for issuing check, draft or money order
- Section 12302 - Change of place of business
- Section 12303 - Accounting practices; preservation of books and records
- Section 12304 - Audit report
- Section 12305 - Investigation of business and examination of books and records
- Section 12306 - Cost of examination
- Section 12307 - Attendance of witnesses
- Section 12307.1 - Enjoining violations
- Section 12307.2 - Order directing discontinuance of disbursement of funds
- Section 12307.3 - Taking possession of property and business
- Section 12307.4 - Power and authority of commissioner while in possession
- Section 12307.5 - Disciplinary action taken by state, another state or federal government
- Section 12309 - Schedule of licensee's fees posted; notice that checks or money orders not insured
- Section 12310 - Sale of check in which payee's name not designated
- Section 12311 - False or misleading advertising
- Section 12312 - Agreement between licensee and agent
- Section 12313.5 - Examination, inspection or audit of books and records of client of business agent
- Section 12314 - Charges for prorater's services
- Section 12314.1 - Cancellation fee or termination penalty prohibited
- Section 12315 - Consent required for receipt of fee by prorater
- Section 12315.1 - Notification to creditors of debtor's desire to engage services of prorater
- Section 12316 - Prorater's charge in excess of maximum permitted by division
- Section 12317 - Purchase of debtor's obligation by prorater
- Section 12318 - Other prohibited acts
- Section 12319 - Requirements of contracts between proraters and debtors
- Section 12320 - Copy of contract delivered to debtor; contract effective upon payment by debtor to prorater
- Section 12321 - Receipt to debtor for each payment
- Section 12322 - Accounting rendered by prorater to debtor
- Section 12323 - Lending money or credit prohibited
- Section 12324 - Payment or receipt of cash, fee, gift, bonus, etc.
- Section 12325 - Requiring debtor to purchase insurance
- Section 12326 - Special prorater holding himself out to public as general prorater
- Section 12327 - Unlawful practice of law
- Section 12328 - Collection agency on same premises as prorating organization; license issued to collection agency
- Section 12329 - Disclosure of list of creditors of debtor for purpose of soliciting accounts
- Section 12330 - Rules and regulations governing advertising by proraters
- Section 12331 - Consumer credit extension or credit collection experience requirement
- Section 12332 - Alteration, destruction, false entry in record or document