- Section 22450 - Member and beneficiary information furnished board
- Section 22451 - Statement filed by member with board
- Section 22451.5 - Proof of member's date of birth
- Section 22451.7 - Withholding benefit payments until proof of date of birth
- Section 22453 - Signature of member's spouse required
- Section 22454 - Action to enforce spouse's signature requirement
- Section 22455 - Information furnished by county superintendent and other employing agencies
- Section 22455.5 - Employers to furnish criteria for membership; audit of member's compliant reveals noncompliance
- Section 22456 - Employer's statement as to contributions deducted, service performed and compensation earned by member
- Section 22457 - Notice by county superintendent of employment, death, resignation or discharge
- Section 22458 - Information furnished by employer as to compensation paid employees in school year
- Section 22458.5 - Information regarding qualifications and standards
- Section 22459 - Withholding member's salary for failure to furnish required information
- Section 22460 - Notice of termination of employment of member with less than five years of service
- Section 22461 - Duties of employing agencies upon retention of services of retired member