- Section 24300 - Election of option
- Section 24300.1 - Option providing actuarially modified allowance payable throughout member's life and option beneficiary
- Section 24300.2 - [Renumbered]
- Section 24300.5 - [Renumbered]
- Section 24300.6 - [Renumbered]
- Section 24301 - [Renumbered]
- Section 24302 - [Renumbered]
- Section 24303 - [Renumbered]
- Section 24304 - [Renumbered]
- Section 24305 - [Renumbered]
- Section 24305.3 - [Renumbered]
- Section 24305.5 - [Renumbered]
- Section 24306 - [Renumbered]
- Section 24306.5 - [Renumbered]
- Section 24306.7 - [Renumbered]
- Section 24307 - Preretirement election of option without right of revocation or change
- Section 24307.5 - Allowance of member filing preretirement election modified
- Section 24308 - [Renumbered]
- Section 24309 - Change or cancellation of preretirement election
- Section 24310 - Preretirement election after change or cancellation
- Section 24311 - Option elected and in effect at time of reinstatement
- Section 24312 - Option elected not cancelled upon termination of service retirement allowance
- Section 24312.1 - [Renumbered]
- Section 24313 - [Renumbered]
- Section 24320 - Cancellation of option elected if beneficiary not retired member's spouse or former spouse
- Section 24321 - Election by retired member unmarried at time of retirement be thereafter marrying
- Section 24322 - Cancelation of option elected
- Section 24323 - Option beneficiary designated in Options 2 3 4 or 5 predeceases retired member
- Section 24324 - Change by member receiving joint and survivor annuity of annuity and annuity beneficiary
- Section 24330 - Family allowance precluded; election void on effective date of disability retirement; survivor allowance precluded
- Section 24331 - Designation of beneficiary by option beneficiary
- Section 24332 - Election by member upon application for disability retirement
- Section 24333 - Option elected void at time of reinstatement after termination of disability retirement
- Section 24340 - Change of preretirement election to Option 2, 3, 4 or 5
- Section 24341 - Election to change Option 2 to Option 6 or Option 3 to Option 7
- Section 24342 - Election to change Option 4 to Option 6 or Option 5 to Option 7
- Section 24343 - Receipt of retirement option without modification
- Section 24344 - Change of preretirement election in effect on December 31, 1999 to Option 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7
- Section 24345 - Election to change options
- Section 24346 - Change of preretirement election in effect on December 31, 2006 to Option 1, 2 or 3
- Section 24347 - Same-sex spouse beneficiaries; changing elected options
- Section 24348 - Same-sex spouse beneficiaries; changing preretirement options