Ark. Code § 12-49-301
The State of Arkansas hereby relinquishes exclusive jurisdiction over the portion of the plant and facility of the Bi-State Criminal Justice Center which is located within the geographical boundary of the said state.
The State of Texas hereby relinquishes exclusive jurisdiction over the portion of the plant and facility of the Bi-State Criminal Justice Center which is located within the geographical boundary of the said state.
The States of Arkansas and Texas hereby recognize the existence of concurrent jurisdiction over the geographical areas of both states which are within the Bi-State Criminal Justice Center.
The State of Arkansas recognizes that an inmate apprehended and charged in Texas maintains a jurisdictional situs (with Texas) within his person and extending to objects under his control, while incarcerated in the Bi-State facility.
The State of Texas recognizes that an inmate apprehended and charged in Arkansas maintains a jurisdictional situs (with Arkansas) within his person and extending to objects under his control, while incarcerated in the Bi-State facility.
The States of Arkansas and Texas mutually agree to refrain from taking custody of any inmate, for an offense committed prior to incarceration in the Bi-State facility, while that inmate is in custody of the other state, except through proper extraditionary proceedings.
The States of Arkansas and Texas mutually agree to refrain from serving any inmate of the Bi-State facility in the custody of the other state, with civil process relating to a suit arising before incarceration, except in accordance with proper civil procedure statutes.
The State of Arkansas grants use of its facility to the State of Texas for the purposes of establishing the venue of Bowie County within the concurrent jurisdiction of the facility in courtrooms situated geographically on the Arkansas side.
The State of Texas grants use of its facility to the State of Arkansas for the purpose of establishing the venue of Miller County within the concurrent jurisdiction of the facility in courtrooms situated geographically on the Texas side.
This Compact shall come into force and become effective and binding upon the states when it has been enacted into law by both states.
Ark. Code § 12-49-301