Section 41-1105 - Monies for promotion of state interests and public service; procedures; usesA. The governor or either presiding officer of the legislature may accept and expend public or private gifts, grants, donations or monies for the purpose of promoting the interests of the state or to promote and encourage citizen public service to the state.B. All monies received pursuant to subsection A of this section shall be deposited, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, and held and retained in separate state promotional fund accounts according to the specified source and purpose of the fund. Public and private monies shall not be commingled in any fund account.C. The department of administration shall issue warrants for disbursements from any account established pursuant to this section on receipt of vouchers properly establishing the nature of the disbursement and on the signature of the person authorized to approve expenditures from the fund pursuant to section 35-149, subsection A, paragraph 4. The department of administration shall issue the warrants for disbursements from any account established pursuant to this section containing private monies without regard to any other restrictions or limits placed on expenditures of public monies by any other provision of law.D. The person authorized pursuant to section 35-149, subsection A, paragraph 4 shall approve expenditures from accounts established pursuant to this section only to the extent that the expenditures are consistent with any terms and conditions under which the monies were received and for a purpose authorized by subsection A of this section.E. Annually before January 1, the person authorized pursuant to section 35-149, subsection A, paragraph 4 shall prepare a written report to the governor and the legislature that includes a detailed listing naming the contributors to the accounts established pursuant to this section and a detailed listing of expenditures from the accounts established by this section. The report shall be considered a public record.