Section 28-1150 - Overdimensional permit councilA. The overdimensional permit council is established consisting of the following nine members who are appointed by the governor:1. One member representing the department of public safety.2. One member representing the department of transportation.3. Four members representing motor carriers.4. One member from a city or town with a population of more than one hundred thousand persons.5. One member from a city or town with a population of one hundred thousand persons or less.6. One member representing the governor's office of highway safety.B. The members serve staggered three year terms.C. The overdimensional permit council shall:1. Meet at least annually.2. Select from its members a person to serve as chairperson.3. Advise and assist the department of transportation in developing rules required to administer this article and article 18 of this chapter.4. Advise and consult with the motor carrier industry, department of transportation and state and local law enforcement agencies concerning matters relating to overdimensional permits.5. Review each proposed ordinance that a local authority submits pursuant to section 28-1103, subsection G to determine if the proposed ordinance is substantially identical, uniform and consistent with the rules adopted by the department for oversized or overweight vehicles pursuant to section 28-1103, subsection F.D. Members of the overdimensional permit council are not eligible to receive compensation or reimbursement for expenses.E. The overdimensional permit council is subject to title 38, chapter 3, article 3.1.F. The department shall provide for electronic notification of overdimensional permit council meetings to interested parties.Amended by L. 2021, ch. 335,s. 6, eff. 9/29/2021.Amended by L. 2018, ch. 242,s. 3, eff. 8/3/2018.