Section 45.68.050 - Unlawful practicesDuring a solicitation for a charitable organization, a person may not
(1) use a deceptive act, including an act described in AS 45.50.471;(2) without first being authorized in writing by the person, represent or imply that a contribution is for or on behalf of a person, or use an emblem, device, or printed matter belonging to or associated with the person;(3) use a name, symbol, or statement so closely related or similar to a name, symbol, or statement used by another charitable organization that the use may confuse or mislead a person solicited for a contribution;(4) use or exploit the fact of registration under this chapter to suggest or imply that the registration constitutes an endorsement or approval by the state; or(5) represent directly or by implication that a charitable organization will receive from the contributions raised by a paid solicitor a greater percentage of a contribution than allowed under the contract executed under AS 45.68.020.