Section 18.13.010 - Genetic testing(a) Except as provided in (b) of this section,(1) a person may not collect a DNA sample from a person, perform a DNA analysis on a sample, retain a DNA sample or the results of a DNA analysis, or disclose the results of a DNA analysis unless the person has first obtained the informed and written consent of the person, or the person's legal guardian or authorized representative, for the collection, analysis, retention, or disclosure;(2) a DNA sample and the results of a DNA analysis performed on the sample are the exclusive property of the person sampled or analyzed.(b) The prohibitions of (a) of this section do not apply to DNA samples collected and analyses conducted (1) under AS 44.41.035 or comparable provisions of another jurisdiction;(2) for a law enforcement purpose, including the identification of perpetrators and the investigation of crimes and the identification of missing or unidentified persons or deceased individuals;(3) for determining paternity;(4) to screen newborns as required by state or federal law;(5) for the purpose of emergency medical treatment.(c) A general authorization for the release of medical records or medical information may not be construed as the informed and written consent required by this section. The Department of Health may by regulation adopt a uniform informed and written consent form to assist persons in meeting the requirements of this section. A person using that uniform informed and written consent is exempt from civil or criminal liability for actions taken under the consent form. A person may revoke or amend their informed and written consent at any time.Amended by AK 2022 Executive Order 121,sec. 134, eff. 7/1/2022.