Alaska Stat. § 14.56.030

Current through Chapter 61 of the 2024 Legislative Session and 2024 Executive Orders 125, 133 through 135
Section 14.56.030 - State library duties

The department shall undertake state library functions that will benefit the state and its citizens, including

(1) coordinating library services of the state with other educational services and agencies to increase effectiveness and eliminate duplication;
(2) providing reference library service to state and other public officials;
(3) providing library services and administering state and other grants-in-aid to public libraries to supplement and improve their services, the grants to be paid from funds appropriated for that purpose, or from other funds available for that purpose;
(4) providing library service directly to areas in which there is not sufficient population or local revenue to support independent library units;
(5) distributing financial aid to public libraries for extension of library service to surrounding areas and to improve inadequate local library service under regulations adopted by the department;
(6) offering consultant service on library matters to state and municipal libraries, community libraries, school libraries, and libraries in unincorporated communities;
(7) serving as a depository for state and federal publications concerning Alaska;
(8) applying for, receiving, and spending, in accordance with AS 37.07 (the Executive Budget Act), federal, state, or private funds available for library purposes;
(9) recording and distributing the election pamphlet provided for by AS 15.58 to libraries throughout the state for use by blind voters;
(10) establishing and charging fees for reproduction, printing, and handling costs, for mailing and distributing state publications and research data, and for other services authorized by this chapter;
(11) operating and maintaining the Alaska State Archives under AS 40.21.

AS 14.56.030