Section 14.40.803 - Alaska advance college tuition savings fund(a) The Alaska advance college tuition savings fund is established as a nonlapsing fund of the University of Alaska. The purpose of the fund is to secure obligations to participants under a postsecondary education savings program operated by the University of Alaska and to enhance the ability of the university to provide (1) higher education for the people of the state; (2) wide and affordable access to higher education for residents and their children; (3) an incentive for residents to achieve higher academic standards in grades 7 - 12; and (4) an incentive for residents to continue and complete secondary and postsecondary education. The fund may be divided into separate accounts for accounting purposes.(b) The fund consists of (1) permanent fund dividend and cash contributions made under AS 14.40.807 under the terms of an advance college tuition savings contract;(2) appropriations, gifts, bequests, and contributions; and(3) income and earnings of the fund.(c) Assets of the fund shall be expended to make payments to the university and other eligible educational institutions, including payments for refunds, redemptions, and awards under a savings contract or scholarships, costs of administration, and other obligations of the fund.