Section 14.40.366 - Management requirements for university land(a) Before the conveyance or the disposal of an interest in the land to a third party, land conveyed to the Board of Regents in trust for the University of Alaska under AS 14.40.365 shall be managed in a manner that, to the extent practicable, permits reasonable activities of the public, including historic recent public uses, that do not interfere with the use or management of the land by the university.(b) For land conveyed to the Board of Regents in trust for the University of Alaska under AS 14.40.365, the Board of Regents shall (1) seek public comment on proposals for land development, exchange, or sale; and(2) adopt policies that require the preparation of land development plans and land disposal plans.(c) Before the Board of Regents of the University of Alaska offers a parcel of land for sale under this section, the board shall offer first refusal to the closest municipality.(d) The Board of Regents shall adopt policies requiring public notice before approval of land development plans and land disposal plans. The policies must require that the notice be provided not less than 30 days before the proposed action and that the notice be (1) sent to local legislators, municipalities, and legislative information offices in the vicinity of the action and at other locations as the university may designate;(2) published in newspapers of general circulation in the vicinity of the proposed action at least once each week for two consecutive weeks; and(3) published on state and university public notice Internet websites.(e) In this section, "development, exchange, or sale" does not include the grant of an easement or right-of-way or the development of a campus facility.