Section 14.40.190 - Report(a) The Board of Regents shall prepare a written report at the beginning of each regular session of the legislature of the condition of the university property, of all receipts and expenditures, including the administration and disposition of appropriated and restricted funds and information required under AS 37.25.010(d), and of the educational and other work performed during the preceding fiscal year. The board shall notify the legislature that the report is available.(b) In addition to the report required under (a) of this section, the Board of Regents shall prepare and present to the legislative committees having jurisdiction over education a biennial report, not later than the 30th legislative day of the first session of each legislature, titled "Alaska's University for Alaska's Schools" that describes the efforts of the university to attract, train, and retain qualified public school teachers. The report must include an outline of the university's current and future plans to close the gap between known teacher employment vacancies in the state and the number of state residents who complete teacher training. The information reported under this subsection may also include short-term and five-year strategies with accompanying fiscal notes and outcome measures.