- Section 04.21.010 - Municipal regulation and taxation
- Section 04.21.012 - Keg registration
- Section 04.21.015 - Private manufacture of alcoholic beverages
- Section 04.21.020 - Civil liability of persons providing alcoholic beverages
- Section 04.21.025 - Alcohol server education course
- Section 04.21.030 - Responsibility of licensees, agents, and employees
- Section 04.21.035 - Responsibility of partners of a limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability partnership
- Section 04.21.040 - Sales on federal reservations
- Section 04.21.050 - Proof of age and of not being restricted from purchasing alcoholic beverages
- Section 04.21.055 - Refusal of service
- Section 04.21.060 - Warehousing of alcoholic beverages
- Section 04.21.065 - Posting of warning signs
- Section 04.21.070 - Enforcement
- Section 04.21.072 - Fines and other criminal penalties
- Section 04.21.074 - Bail forfeiture schedule
- Section 04.21.076 - Suspension of fine or sentence
- Section 04.21.078 - Court records of persons under 21 years of age
- Section 04.21.080 - Definitions