Rule SCCAR 3.2 - Authority Of Arbitrators(a) Authority of Arbitrator. An arbitrator has the authority to: (1) Decide procedural issues arising before or during the arbitration hearing, except issues relating to the qualifications of an arbitrator;(2) Invite, with reasonable notice, the parties to submit trial briefs;(3) Examine any site or object relevant to the case;(4) Issue a subpoena under rule 4.3;(5) Administer oaths or affirmations to witnesses;(6) Rule on the admissibility of evidence under rule 5.3;(7) Determine the facts, decide the law, and make an award;(8) Award costs and attorney fees as authorized by law; and(9) Perform other acts as authorized by these rules or local rules adopted and filed under rule 8.2.(b) Authority of the Court. The court shall decide: (1) Motions for involuntary dismissal, motions to change or add parties to the case, and motions for summary judgment; and(2) Issues relating to costs and attorney fees if those issues cannot otherwise be decided by the arbitrator.Wash. Super. Ct. Civ. Arb. R. SCCAR 3.2
Adopted effective 7/1/1980; Amended effective 9/1/1989; 9/1/1994; 9/1/2011; 12/3/2019.