Rule LLLT RPC 1.11 - SPECIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST FOR FORMER AND CURRENT GOVERNMENT OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES(a) Except as law may otherwise expressly permit, an LLLT who has formerly served as a public officer or employee of the government: (1) is subject to Rule 1.9(c); and(2) shall not otherwise represent a client in connection with a matter in which the LLLT participated personally and substantially as a public officer or employee, unless the appropriate government agency gives its informed consent, confirmed in writing, to the representation.(b) When an LLLT or lawyer is disqualified from representation under paragraph (a) of this Rule or Lawyer RPC 1.11, no LLLT in a firm with which that LLLT or lawyer is associated may knowingly undertake or continue representation in such a matter unless: (1) the disqualified LLLT or lawyer is timely screened from any participation in the matter and is apportioned no part of the fee therefrom; and(2) written notice is promptly given to the appropriate government agency to enable it to ascertain compliance with the provisions of this Rule.(c) Except as law may otherwise expressly permit, an LLLT having information that the LLLT knows is confidential government information about a person acquired when the LLLT was a public officer or employee, may not represent a private client whose interests are adverse to that person in a matter in which the information could be used to the material disadvantage of that person. As used in this Rule the term "confidential government information" means information that has been obtained under governmental authority and which, at the time this Rule is applied, the government is prohibited by law from disclosing to the public or has a legal privilege not to disclose and which is not otherwise available to the public. A firm with which that LLLT is associated may undertake or continue representation in the matter only if the disqualified LLLT is screened from any participation in the matter and is apportioned no part of the fee therefrom.(d) Except as law may otherwise expressly permit, an LLLT currently serving as a public officer or employee:(1) is subject to Rules 1.7 and 1.9; and(2) shall not: (i) participate in a matter in which the LLLT participated personally and substantially while in private practice or nongovernmental employment, unless the appropriate government agency gives its informed consent, confirmed writing; or(ii) negotiate for private employment with any person who is involved as a party or as LLLT for a party in a matter in which the LLLT is participating personally and substantially, except that an LLLT who may otherwise be serving as a law clerk to a judge, other adjudicative officer or arbitrator may negotiate for private employment as permitted by Rule 1.12(b) and subject to the conditions stated in Rule 1.12(b).(e) As used in this Rule, the term "matter" includes: (1) any judicial or other proceeding, application, request for a ruling or other determination, contract, claim, controversy, investigation, charge, accusation, arrest, or other particular matter involving a specific party or parties; and(2) any other matter covered by the conflict of interest rules of the appropriate government agency.Wash. R. Limi. Lic. Leg. Tech. Pro. Cond. LLLT RPC 1.11
[1] Rule 1.11 was adapted from Lawyer RPC 1.11 with no substantive changes except to reflect the fact that LLLTs and lawyers may practice in a firm together. This Rule applies to LLLTs and firms in which both LLLTs and lawyers are associated analogously.