Rule ELC 14.2 - Lawyer to Discontinue Practice(a) Discontinue Practice. A disbarred or suspended lawyer, or a lawyer who has resigned in lieu of disbarment or discipline, or a lawyer transferred to disability inactive status, must not practice law after the effective date of the disbarment, resignation in lieu of disbarment or discipline, suspension, or transfer to disability inactive status, and also must take whatever steps necessary to avoid any reasonable likelihood that anyone will rely on them as a lawyer authorized to practice law.(b) Continuing Duties to Former Clients. This rule does not preclude a disbarred or suspended lawyer, or a lawyer who has resigned in lieu of disbarment or discipline, or a lawyer transferred to disability inactive status, from disbursing assets held by the lawyer to clients or other persons or from providing information on the facts and the lawyer's theory of a case and its status to a succeeding lawyer, provided that the lawyer not be involved in any discussion regarding matters occurring after the date of the suspension, resignation in lieu of disbarment or discipline, transfer to disability inactive status, or disbarment. The lawyer must provide this information on request and without charge.Adopted effective 10/1/2002. Amended effective 1/1/2014; amended effective 1/1/2023.