Rule ELC 13.8 - Probation(a) Conditions of Probation. A respondent lawyer who has been sanctioned under rule 13.1 or admonished under rule 13.5(b) or (c) may be placed on probation for a fixed period of two years or less. (1) Conditions of probation may include, but are not limited to requiring: (A) alcohol or drug treatment;(C) psychological or psychiatric care;(D) professional office practice or management counseling; or(E) periodic audits or reports.(2) Upon disciplinary counsel's request, the Chair may appoint a suitable person to supervise the probation. Cooperation with a person so appointed is a condition of the probation.(b) Failure To Comply. Failure to comply with a condition of probation may be grounds for discipline and any sanction imposed must take into account the misconduct leading to the probation.Adopted effective 10/1/2002; Amended effective 1/1/2014.