Rule ELC 13.3 - Suspension(a) Term of Suspension. A suspension must be for a fixed period of time not exceeding three years.(b) Reinstatement.(1) After the period of suspension, the Association administratively returns the suspended respondent lawyer to the respondent's status before the suspension without further order by the Court upon:(A) the respondent's compliance with all current licensing requirements; and(B) disciplinary counsel's certification that the respondent has complied with any specific conditions ordered, and has paid any costs or restitution ordered or is current with any costs or restitution payment plan.(2) A respondent may ask the Chair to review an adverse determination by disciplinary counsel regarding compliance with the conditions for reinstatement, payment of costs or restitution, or compliance with a costs or restitution payment plan. On review, the Chair may modify the terms of the payment plan if warranted. The Chair determines the procedure for this review. The Chair's ruling is not subject to further review. If the Chair determines that the Board should review the matter, the Chair directs the procedure for Board review and the Board's decision is not subject to further review.Adopted effective 10/1/2002.