Rule ELC 11.4 - Transcript of Hearing(a) Ordering Transcript. A hearing transcript or partial transcript may be ordered at any time by the hearing officer, respondent lawyer, disciplinary counsel, or the Board. If a notice of appeal is filed under rule 11.2(b)(1) disciplinary counsel must order the entire transcript unless the parties agree that no transcript or only a partial transcript is necessary for review. For sua sponte review, the Chair determines the extent of the transcript necessary for review. If the Chair orders a partial transcript, either party may request additional portions of the transcript.(b) Filing and Service. The original of the transcript is filed with the Clerk. Disciplinary counsel must cause a copy of the transcript to be served on the respondent except if the respondent ordered the transcript.(c) Proposed Corrections. Within 10 days of service of a copy of the transcript on the respondent, or within 10 days of filing the transcript if the respondent ordered the transcript, each party may file any proposed corrections to the transcript. Each party has 5 days after service of the opposing party's proposed corrections to file objections to those proposed corrections.(d) Settlement of Transcript. If either party files objections to any proposed correction under section (c), the hearing officer, upon review of the proposed corrections and objections, enters an order settling the transcript. Otherwise, the transcript is deemed settled and any proposed corrections deemed incorporated in the transcript.Adopted effective 10/1/2002; Amended effective 1/1/2014.