(a) Content of Motion. A motion must include (1) a statement of the name and designation of the person filing the motion, (2) a statement of the relief sought, (3) reference to or copies of parts of the record relevant to the motion, and (4) a statement of the grounds for the relief sought, with supporting argument.(b) Filing and Service. Motions on matters pending before the Board must be in writing and filed with the Clerk. The motion and any response or reply must be served as required by rule 4.1.(c) Response. The opposing party may submit a written response to the motion. A response must be served and filed within 10 days of service of the motion, unless the time is shortened by the Chair for good cause.(d) Reply. The moving party may submit a reply to a response. A reply must be served and filed within 7 days of service of the response, unless the time for reply is shortened by the Chair for good cause.(e) Length of Motion, Response, and Reply. A motion and response must not exceed 10 pages, not including supporting papers. A reply must not exceed 5 pages, not including supporting papers. For good cause, the Chair may grant a motion to file an over length motion, response, or reply.(f) Consideration of Motion. Upon expiration of the time for reply, the Chair must promptly rule on the motion or refer the motion to the full Board for decision. A motion will be decided without oral argument, unless the Chair directs otherwise.(g) Ruling. A motion is decided by written order filed with and served by the Clerk under rule 4.2(b).(h) Minor Matters. Motions on minor matters may be made by letter to the Chair, with a copy served on the opposing party and filed with the Clerk. The provisions of subsections (c), (d), and (f) of this rule apply to such motions. A ruling on such a motion is decided by written order filed with and served by the Clerk under rule 4.2(b).Adopted effective 1/1/2014.