Rule CAR 23 - ADMINISTRATOR FOR THE COURTS(a)Fiscal Services. Fiscal services for the Court of Appeals shall be provided by the Administrator for the Courts.(b)Budgetary Planning. Each division shall submit to the Administrator for the Courts a proposed budget at such time and in such form as the Administrator for the Courts shall request. The Administrator for the Courts shall, with the advice and assistance of at least one judge from each of the divisions, prepare a proposed budget for the Court of Appeals.(c)Statistics. The Administrator for the Courts, under the supervision of the Supreme Court and the Chief Justice, shall collect and compile statistical and other data reflecting the state of the dockets and any need for judicial assistance, and shall make reports of the business transacted by the Court of Appeals. The clerks of the Court of Appeals and all other officers and employees of the court shall comply with all requests made by the Administrator for the Courts, after approval by the Chief Justice, for information and statistical data bearing upon the business transacted and the judicial accomplishments of that court.(d)Bond. The Administrator for the Courts shall obtain public employee faithful performance bond coverage for all court employees.Wash. Ct. Appel. Admini. R. CAR 23
Adopted effective 9/12/1969; amended effective 1/30/1978.