Vt. R. Bar Adm. 16
Board's Notes-2021 Amendment
New Rule 16 adopts essential eligibility requirements that affirmatively state the abilities needed to become a licensed lawyer. These requirements provide a clear framework to guide applicants and the Character and Fitness Committee in the determination of whether an applicant has the requisite moral character and fitness to practice law in the state. Further, the American Bar Association has recommended that states adopt essential eligibility requirements to promote lawyer well-being by providing clear eligibility guidelines for lawyers with mental or physical impairments.
The definition of character and fitness in new Rule 16(b) includes a provision making it clear that health conditions, including substance-use disorders or mental-health impairments, are relevant only so far as they impact the applicant's present ability to meet the essential eligibility requirements.
Other than the new provisions noted above, the substance of the rule remains unchanged, although somewhat reorganized to incorporate the new provisions.