As amended through December 18, 2024
Rule 11-102 - Advisory Committee ProceduresIntent:
To establish procedures governing the advisory committees.
This rule shall apply to the Supreme Courtand the Supreme Court advisory committees.
Statement of the Rule:
(1) Petitions. Petitions for the adoption, repealor amendment of a rule of procedure, evidence, or professional conduct, may besubmitted by any interested individual to the chair of an advisory committee,or to the Supreme Court. Petitions shall be in writing, and should set forththe proposed rule, amendment, or instruction, or the text of the rule orinstruction proposed for repeal, and shall specify the need for and anticipatedeffect of the proposal.(2) Committee agenda. The Supreme Courtshall forward petitions to the chair of the appropriate committee. Allpetitions shall be placed on the committee's agenda for consideration and thecommittee shall provide written notification of committee action topetitioners. In addition to petitions, the chairs shall place on the agenda anyitem of interest to the committee.(3) Committee work.Committees shall meet as a whole, at the direction of the chair, to discuss andvote upon recommendations and to prepare written recommendations to the SupremeCourt concerning petitions or committee-initiated proposals. A majority of themembers of the committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction ofbusiness. The chair may cast a vote only to break a tie vote of the memberspresent. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed. (4) Expedited procedures. Committees shall adopt expedited procedures for bypassing full committee processes and recommending rules to the Supreme Court when time is of the essence, such as when immediate rule changes may be required due to changes or proposed changes in the law. The Supreme Court shall review and deny, modify, or approve any expedited procedures that involve bypassing the full committee. (5) Minutes. Minutes shall be takenat all meetings of the committee of the whole and a copy shall be forwarded tothe Supreme Court's liaison for the committee.Utah. Sup. Ct. R. Prof. Prac. 11-102
Amended effective 2/4/2020.