Rule 902 - Evidence that is Self-AuthenticatingThe following items of evidence are self-authenticating; they require no extrinsic evidence of authenticity in order to be admitted:
(1) Domestic Public Documents That Are Sealed and Signed. A document that bears: (A) a seal purporting to be that of the United States; any state, district, commonwealth, territory, or insular possession of the United States; the former Panama Canal Zone; the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands; a political subdivision of any of these entities; or a department, agency, or officer of any entity named above; and(B) a signature purporting to be an execution or attestation.(2) Domestic Public Documents That Are Not Sealed But Are Signed and Certified. A document that bears no seal if: (A) it bears the signature of an officer or employee of an entity named in Rule 902(1)(A); and(B) another public officer who has a seal and official duties within that same entity certifies under seal-or its equivalent-that the signer has the official capacity and that the signature is genuine.(3) Foreign Public Documents. A document that purports to be signed or attested by a person who is authorized by a foreign country's law to do so. The document must be accompanied by a final certification that certifies the genuineness of the signature and official position of the signer or attester-or of any foreign official whose certificate of genuineness relates to the signature or attestation or is in a chain of certificates of genuineness relating to the signature or attestation. The certification may be made by a secretary of a United States embassy or legation; by a consul general, vice consul, or consular agent of the United States; or by a diplomatic or consular official of the foreign country assigned or accredited to the United States. If all parties have been given a reasonable opportunity to investigate the document's authenticity and accuracy, the court may, for good cause, either: (A) order that it be treated as presumptively authentic without final certification; or(B) allow it to be evidenced by an attested summary with or without final certification.(4) Certified Copies of Public Records. A copy of an official record-or a copy of a document that was recorded or filed in a public office as authorized by law-if the copy is certified as correct by: (A) the custodian or another person authorized to make the certification; or(B) a certificate that complies with Rule 902(1), (2), or (3), or any law of the United States or of this state.(5) Official publications. Books, pamphlet, or other publication purporting to be issued by public authority.(6) Newspapers and Periodicals. Printed material purporting to be a newspaper or periodical.(7) Trade Inscriptions and the Like. An inscription, sign, tag, or label purporting to have been affixed in the course of business and indicating origin, ownership, or control.(8) Acknowledged Documents. A document accompanied by a certificate of acknowledgment that is lawfully executed by a notary public or another officer who is authorized to take acknowledgments.(9) Commercial Paper and Related Documents. Commercial paper, a signature on it, and related documents, to the extent allowed by general commercial law.(10) Presumptions Under a Federal Statute. A signature, document, or anything else that a federal statute declares to be presumptively or prima facie genuine or authentic.(11) Certified Domestic Records of a Regularly Conducted Activity. The original or a copy of a domestic record that meets the requirements of Rule 803(6)(A)-(C) as shown by a certification of the custodian or another qualified person that must be signed in a manner that, if falsely made, would subject the signer to criminal penalty under the laws where the certification was signed. Before the trial or hearing, the proponent must give an adverse party reasonable written notice of the intent to offer the record-and must make the record and certification available for inspection-so that the party has a fair opportunity to challenge them.(A) the record was made at or near the time of the occurrence of the matters set forth by, or from information transmitted by, a person with knowledge of those matters;(B) the record was kept in the course of the regularly conducted activity;(C) the record was made by the regularly conducted activity as a regular practice; and(D) the person certifying the records does so under penalty of making a false statement in an official proceeding. The affidavit or declaration must be signed in a manner that, if falsely made, would subject the maker to criminal penalty under the laws where the declaration is signed. A party intending to offer a record into evidence under this paragraph must provide written notice of that intention to all adverse parties, and must make the record and certification available for inspection sufficiently in advance of their offer into evidence to provide an adverse party with a fair opportunity to challenge them.
(12) Certified Foreign Records of a Regularly Conducted Activity. The original or a copy of a foreign record that meets the requirements of Rule 803(6), as shown by a certification of the custodian or another qualified person that must be signed in a manner that, if falsely made, would subject the signer to criminal penalty under the laws where the certification was signed. Before the trial or hearing, the proponent must give an adverse party reasonable written notice of the intent to offer the record-and must make the record and certification available for inspection-so that the party has a fair opportunity to challenge them.(A) the record was made at or near the time of the occurrence of the matters set forth by, or from information transmitted by, a person with knowledge of those matters;(B) the record was kept in the course of the regularly conducted activity;(C) the record was made by the regularly conducted activity as a regular practice; and(D) the person certifying the records does so under penalty of making a false statement in an official proceeding. The affidavit or declaration must be signed in a manner that, if falsely made, would subject the maker to criminal penalty under the laws where the declaration is signed. A party intending to offer a record into evidence under this paragraph must provide written notice of that intention to all adverse parties, and must make the record and declaration available for inspection sufficiently in advance of their offer into evidence to provide an adverse party with a fair opportunity to challenge them.
(13)Certified Records Generated by an Electronic Process or System. A record generated by an electronic process or system that produces an accurate result, as shown by a certification of a qualified person that must be signed in a manner that, if falsely made, would subject the signer to criminal penalty under the laws where the certification was signed. Before the trial or hearing, the proponent must give an adverse party reasonable written notice of the intent to offer the record-and must make the record and certification available for inspection-so that the party has a fair opportunity to challenge them.(14)Certified Data Copied From an Electronic Device, Storage Medium, or File. Data copied from an electronic device, storage medium, or file, if authenticated by a process of digital identification, as shown by a certification of a qualified person that must be signed in a manner that, if falsely made, would subject the signer to criminal penalty under the laws where the certification was signed. Before the trial or hearing, the proponent must give an adverse party reasonable written notice of the intent to offer the data-and must make the data and the certification available for inspection-so that the party has a fair opportunity to challenge them.Amended March 27, 2019, effective 5/1/2019.2011 Advisory Committee Note. The language of this rule has been amended as part of the restyling of the Evidence Rules to make them more easily understood and to make style and terminology consistent throughout the rules. These changes are intended to be stylistic only. There is no intent to change any result in any ruling on evidence admissibility. This rule is the federal rule, verbatim.
2019 Advisory Committee Note. The 2019 amendment adds Subsections (13) and (14), following the addition of subsections (13) and (14) to Federal Rule of Evidence 902 in 2017. The language of subsections (13) and (14) is from the federal rule, with revisions for clarity and consistency with subsection (12).
The amendment to Rule 803(6) and the addition of Rules 902(11) and 902(12) were made to track the changes made to Federal Rule of Evidence 803(6) and the adoption of Federal Rules 902(11) and 902(12), effective December 1, 2000. The changes to the federal rules benefit from a federal statute allowing the use of declarations without notarization. Utah has no comparable statute, so the requirements for declarations used under the rule are included within the rule itself.