Utah Code Jud. Admin. 9-101

As amended through December 18, 2024
Rule 9-101 - Board of Justice Court Judges


To prescribe the membership, method of selection, term of office and basic procedures of the Board.


This rule shall apply to the Board of Justice Court Judges.

Statement of the Rule:

(1)Establishment - Membership. There is hereby established a Board of Justice Court Judges comprised of the chair, six at-large members, and the three Council representatives.
(2)Election. Members of the Board shall be elected by the justice court judges in connection with the justice court business meeting at the annual judicial conference. For all elections contemplated by this rule, judges may vote in person or remotely.
(3)Term. The chair and the at-large members shall serve staggered two year terms. The Council representatives shall serve during the length of their term as Council representatives.
(4)Chair and Vice Chair.
(4)(A)The chair shall preside over all meetings of the Board and over the Justice Court judges' training conferences. The chair may not simultaneously serve as a Council representative.
(4)(B) Members of the Board shall elect a vice-chair and an education liaison. The vice-chair shall serve as chair in the absence of the chair or upon request of the chair. Neither the vice-chair nor the education liaison may simultaneously serve as a Council representative.
(5)Executive Committee. There shall be an Executive Committee comprised of the chair, vice-chair and one of the Council representatives designated by the chair. The Executive Committee may take necessary action on behalf of the Board between Board meetings.
(6)Vacancies. If vacancies occur for any reason on the Board between elections, the Board shall elect a replacement for the unexpired term of the vacancy.
(6)(A)Vacancy in the office of chair. Should the chair resign or leave the Board for any reason, the vice-chair shall become chair for the remainder of the term.
(6)(B)Vacancy in the office of vice chair. Should the vice-chair of the Board resign or leave the Board for any reason, a new vice-chair shall be elected by the Board from among its members to serve the unexpired term of the vice-chair.
(6)(C)Vacancy - Council representative. If a vacancy occurs for any reason among the representatives to the Council, the Board shall designate an interim representative to serve until the next annual training conference, at which time a representative shall be elected to fill the unexpired term.
(7)Meetings of the Board. The Board shall meet at least quarterly to transact any and all business that is within its jurisdiction. The Board shall rule by majority vote. All members, except the three Council representatives, are voting members. Four voting members of the Board constitute a quorum. Board meetings shall be conducted in an orderly and professional manner and in accordance with this Code.
(8)Certifications. The Board shall be responsible for certifying new justice courts and recertifying existing justice courts to the Judicial Council as outlined in Rule 9-108.

Utah Code Jud. Admin. 9-101

Amended effective 11/1/2015; amended effective 8/21/2020; amended December 22, 2021, effective 5/1/2022.