Tex. R. eFiling Just. Ct. 6.2

As amended through December 17, 2024
Rule 6.2 - Viewing of Electronicallv-filed Documents
(a) The justice of the peace court shall ensure that all the records ofthe court, except those made confidential or privileged by law, rule, or court order, may be viewed in some format by all persons at no charge. Nothing in this rule allows for the viewing of documents or court orders, in any form, that are confidential or privileged by law, rule, or court order.
(b) Independent ofthe TexasOnline system and the requirement ofviewing access described in subsection (a), a justice of the peace court may choose to provide for both filers and the general public to electronically view documents or court orders that have been electronically filed or scanned. Where such provision has been made, persons may electronically view documents or court orders that have been electronically filed or scanned.

Tex. R. eFiling Just. Ct. 6.2

Effective January 1, 2008.