Rule 10.1 - Contents of Motions; Response(a)Motion. Unless these rules prescribe another form, a party must apply by motion for an order or other relief. The motion must: (1) contain or be accompanied by any matter specifically required by a rule governing such a motion;(2) state with particularity the grounds on which it is based;(3) set forth the order or relief sought;(4) be served and filed with any brief, affidavit, or other paper filed in support of the motion; and(5) in civil cases, except for motions for rehearing and en banc reconsideration, contain or be accompanied by a certificate stating that the filing party conferred, or made a reasonable attempt to confer, with all other parties about the merits of the motion and whether those parties oppose the motion.(b)Response. A party may file a response to a motion at any time before the court rules on the motion or by any deadline set by the court. The court may determine a motion before a response is filed.