Harris Cnty. L. R. Just. Peace Ct. 2.1.3

As amended through December 17, 2024

All complaints and affidavits made by the executive director of the Texas Lottery Commission, persons designated by the Texas Lottery Commission, or any law enforcement agency to enforce the State Lottery Act, Chapter 466 of the Texas Government Code, shall be prosecuted in a Justice of the Peace Court in Precinct 7.

In the event that such complaints and affidavits are presented for prosecution in any other Justice of the Peace Court, that Justice of the Peace shall immediately forward such complaints and affidavits to a Justice of the Peace Court in Precinct 7 for prosecution.

Harris Cnty. L. R. Just. Peace Ct. 2.1.3

Adopted 4/22/2004; Repealed 11/6/2013