Tenn. R. Crim. P. 26.2
Tenn. R. Crim. P. 26.2
Advisory Commission Comment.
The language of Rule 26.2 is similar to the language in Rule 26.2 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. There are, however, two differences that deserve comment.
First, the Committee deliberately did not incorporate that provision of subdivision (e)(3) of the federal Jenck's Act, 18 U.S.C. § 3500, which applies to statements of witnesses before a grand jury, and such statements are not meant to be obtainable simply because a grand jury witness testifies for the state. Such statements may only be obtained under the limited provisions of existing law now contained in Rule 6(k)(2).
Second, Rule 26.2(e) now makes it clear that this rule applies not only to trial situations, but also to pretrial testimony such as might be given at a suppression hearing. There would be little logic in requiring statement production only at trial, and not at pretrial hearings where testimony as to the facts of the case is being given under oath. This provision is similar to language found in Rule 12(i) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, but the Tennessee rules commission elected to treat all witness statements in one rule. However, the Tennessee rule applies to all pretrial motions under Rule 12(b). Further, the Federal rule treats law enforcement officials as witnesses called by the state, but the commission elected not to adopt this provision. Obviously, Rule 26.2(b) applies to such pretrial motion hearings. Thus, only part of a witness' statement may be relevant to the hearing. The remainder may then be disclosed at trial under the provisions of Rule 26.2(a).
The commission desires to make clear that this entire rule in no way applies to a preliminary hearing or any other hearing conducted in general sessions court. Rather, Rule 26.2 applies only in criminal court.