Chapter 1 - Scope Of Rules, Construction And Definitions, Local Rules
- Rule *100 - Scope of Rules
- Rule *102 - Citing the Philadelphia Criminal Rules
- Rule *103 - Definitions
- Rule *104 - Design of Forms
- Rule *105 - Local Rules
- Rule *107 - Contents of Subpoena
- Rule *115 - Recording and Transcribing Court Proceedings
- Rule *122 - Appointment of Counsel in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania [Reserved]
- Rule *122-1 - Standards for Appointment of Counsel
- Rule *122-2 - Standards for Appointment in Homicide Trial Cases
- Rule *122-3 - Standards for Appointment of Appellate Counsel in Cases Where the Death Penalty Has Been Imposed
- Rule *122-4 - Standards for Appointment of Appellate Counsel in Cases Where the Death Penalty Has Not Been Imposed
- Rule *122-5 - Standards for Appointment of Counsel in Non-Capital Homicide PCRA and all other PCRA Cases
- Rule *122.6 - Standards for Appointment in Felony Cases
- Rule *122-6 - Standards for Appointment of Counsel in Misdemeanor Cases
- Rule *122-7 - Experience Exception To Standards
- Rule *122-8 - Performance Standards; Processing Complaints
- Rule *122-9 - Remedial Measures
- Rule *122-10 - Appointment of Counsel in Multiple Defendant Cases
- Rule *122-11 - Payment Authorization Process for First Judicial District of Pennsylvania Court-Appointed Counsel [Reserved]
- Rule *122-12 - Compensation Rates for Court-Appointed Counsel [RESERVED]
- Rule *122-13 - Procedure in Cases Involving Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
- Rule *122-14 - Attorneys with Twenty (20) or More Cases
- Rule *202 - Approval of Search Warrant Applications by the Attorney for the Commonwealth
- Rule *435 - Cases in which the Defendant is a Minor
- Rule *462 - Trial De Novo. Summary Appeals
- Rule *507 - Approval of Police Complaints and Arrest Warrant Affidavits by the Attorney for the Commonwealth
- Rule *515 - Bench Warrant Hearings
- Rule *528 - Ten Percent (10%) Deposit of Bail
- Rule *529 - Regulations Pertaining to Bail, Court of Common Pleas and Municipal Court
- Rule *530 - Duties and Powers of Bail Agency. Pretrial Services Division
- Rule *536 - Procedures upon Violation of Conditions: Revocation of Release and Forfeiture; Bail Pieces; Exoneration of Surety
- Rule *540 - Preliminary Arraignment
- Rule *542 - Preliminary Hearing
- Rule *556 - Indicting Grand Jury
- Rule *556.2 - Philadelphia County Indicting Grand Jury Procedures and Protocols
- Rule *571 - Arraignment
- Rule *576 - Electronic Filing and Service of Motions and Other Papers
- Rule *588 - Motion for Return of Property. Post-Deprivation Hearing
- Rule *600 - Motions/Filing
- Rule *605 - Motions Court/Criminal Calendar Program and Homicide Cases
- Rule *610 - Motions-Criminal List Program Cases
- Rule *620 - Procedure for Filing and Entertaining Rule 1100 (& Rule 6013) Motions
- Rule *630 - Application to Suppress Evidence in Municipal Court Cases
- Rule *640 - Recording of Sentence
- Rule *645 - Stay Pending Appeal of Municipal Court Judgment
- Rule *650 - Post-trial
- Rule *655 - Hearings on Post-trial Motions and Deferred Sentences
- Rule *660 - Sentencing-Fines-Indigents
- Rule *670 - Funeral Orders-Prisoners
- Rule *680 - Prisoners' Bring-ups
- Rule *700
- Rule *708 - Violation of Probation or Parole. Revocation Hearings
- Rule *710 - Guilty Pleas Refused by Trial Judge
- Rule *780 - Confiscation and Disposition of Firearms
- Rule *785 - Rule Governing Analysis and Destruction of Narcotic and Dangerous Drugs
- Rule *786 - Criminal Court Priority List
- Rule *800 - Continuances in Common Pleas Felony and Municipal Court Cases
- Rule *801 - Continuances at Preliminary Hearings
- Rule *810 - Applications for Continuances
- Rule *820 - Continuances Involving Defendants in Custody
- Rule *900 - State and Federal Prisoners in Philadelphia County Prison System
- Rule *910 - Probation Detainer and Violation Procedure
- Rule *920 - Appeals Procedure
- Post-Conviction Proceedings