Rule *215 - Assignment of Cases in the Trial DivisionA. All cases filed in the Trial Division of the Court of Common Pleas shall be listed for trial in accordance with those management procedures in effect for the program to which a case is assigned.(1)Arbitration Cases. All cases which when filed are subject to compulsory arbitration under Philadelphia Civil Rule *1301 shall be assigned a hearing date and time upon commencement on the face of the initial filing.(2)Major Jury Cases. All jury cases, other than Arbitration Appeals and Mass Tort matters, shall be listed for trial by the Judicial Team Leader for that Program to which a given case is assigned in accordance with the pertinent Case Management Order. Protracted and complex cases will be listed for dates certain. Those cases classified standard and expedited typically will be assigned to a trial pool for a given pool month within the appropriate program. The pool months begin on the first Monday of each month. Whether a given case is assigned a date certain or a pool month date is within the sound discretion of the Program Team Leader (or his or her designee).
(3)Non Jury Cases. All Non Jury cases will be designated as either Commerce Program or Non Jury Program cases. Commerce Program cases will be listed for trial at a status conference by the Supervising Judge of the non Jury Program, located at the Complex Litigation Center.(4)Mass Tort Cases. All Mass Tort cases shall be listed for trial by the Supervising Judge of the Mass Tort Program, located at the Complex Litigation Center.(5)Arbitration Appeal Cases. All Arbitration Appeal cases shall be listed for trial by the Supervising Judge at the Complex Litigation Center in a monthly trial pool in accordance with a Case Management Order. The pool month begins on the first Monday of each month.B.Jury Trial Requests. (1) Upon commencement of an action, the plaintiff shall pay the non jury listing fee, or if a jury trial is initially demanded, the jury listing fee.(2) Thereafter, a jury trial may be demanded and perfected in accordance with Philadelphia Civil Rule *1007.1.(3) Payment of a jury fee will determine the case program assignment, except in those cases seeking equitable relief which shall be in either the Commerce Program or the Non Jury Program. Amended February 28, 2019, effective 5/6/2019This rule may be impacted by the following: Administrative Docket No. 01 of 1999, Administrative Docket No. 02 of 2003, General Court Regulation 95-2, Administrative Docket No. 01 of 1998, Administrative Docket No. 02 of 1993, Administrative Docket No. 04 of 2005, Administrative Docket No. 05 of 2005, General Court Regulation No. 2012-01, General Court Regulation No. 2012-03, and General Court Regulation No. 2013-01. .
Comment: This *Rule has been completely rewritten to comport with the principles of differentiated case management and the assignment of cases by program. Counsel are advised to consult, where appropriate, the following General Court Regulations and Administrative Orders:
1. Trial Division General Court Regulation No. 94-2. (Procedure and Criteria for Advanced Trial Listings pursuant to Pa.R.C.P. 214.)
2. General Court Regulation No. 95-2. (Day Forward Program. Procedure for Disposition of Major Jury Cases Filed on and after January 2, 1996.)
3. Administrative Docket No. 01 of 1998. (Protocol for Trial Pools in the Day Backward and the Day Forward Programs.)