Rule *2039.2 - Motions for Allowance(A) Motions for Allowance in those cases where a guardian has been appointed by the Orphans' Court Division shall be filed directly with such Division.(B) All other Motions for Allowance, irrespective of which Judge approved the original settlement, shall be filed with the Office of Judicial Records. All such motions shall be decided by the Motion Court Judge, except where the original Judge has retained jurisdiction of the case. Said motions are not subject to any further filing requirements of the Motion Court under Philadelphia Civil Rule *208.3(b)(3).(C) The motion shall include: (1) The facts and circumstances surrounding the origination of the minor's fund;(2) A chronological statement of all prior requests for allowance, including the reasons therefor, the amounts thereof, and the disposition;(3) The age of the minor at the time the fund was created and the minor's present age;(4) The original amount of the minor's fund and the present balance of same; and(5) The circumstances and reasons supporting the request for allowance.(D) All motions shall be accompanied by: (2) A copy of the Original Motion for Compromise and the Order of Distribution;(3) Copies of all prior requests for allowances and the Orders with respect to same;(4) Substantiating documentation to support the proposed request; and(5) A consent filed by the movant. Former Rule 166, adopted by the Board of Judges, September 15, 1983. [Existing Rule *2039.2 remains unchanged.] General Court Regulation no. 92-1 date of Order October 2, 1992; please see Joint General Court Regulation No. 97-1 on page 95 for implementing procedures and forms; amended May 20, 2004, effective 7/26/2004; amended November 15, 2007, effective 1/7/2008. Joint General Court Regulation No. 97-1 may impact this rule.