Rule *1007.1 - Listing Procedures and Jury Fees(A) Listing Procedure.(1)Arbitration Cases. All arbitration cases shall be assigned a trial date in accordance with Philadelphia Civil Rule *1303.(2)Cases Not Assigned to Arbitration. All other cases (including appeals from arbitration) shall be assigned pursuant to Philadelphia Civil Rule *215.(B) Listing Fees.(1) Jury demand shall be made in accordance with Pa.R.C.P. 1007.1. In order to perfect its right to a jury trial and have the case assigned to the Jury list, a party must pay the Jury listing fee at the time of the jury demand.(2) When an appeal is filed from an arbitration award rendered pursuant to Philadelphia Civil Rule *1301, the procedure for demanding a jury shall be as set forth in Pa.R.C.P. 1007.1(b). The jury listing fee shall be paid at the time of the demand.(3) With respect to transfers from arbitration to the major case program, the deadlines for demanding a jury and paying the jury listing fee shall be the same as for appeals from arbitration. Amended May 18, 1985, effective 30 days after publication in Pennsylvania Bulletin.