Rule 7.7 - Lawyer Referral Service(a) A lawyer shall not accept referrals from a lawyer referral service if the service engaged in communication with the public or direct contact with prospective clients in a manner that would violate the Rules of Professional Conduct if the communication or contact were made by the lawyer.(b) A "lawyer referral service" is any person, group of persons, association, organization or entity that receives a fee or charge for referring or causing the direct or indirect referral of a potential client to a lawyer drawn from a specific group or panel of lawyers.Adopted by Order of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania dated October 16, 1987 effective 4/1/1988; amended effective 1/1/2005, 1/6/2005, 3/17/2005, 4/23/2005, 7/1/2006, 9/20/2008, 4/3/2009, 5/2/2009, 4/9/2012, 4/18/2012, 6/16/2012, 7/4/2012, 11/21/2013, 2/9/20152/28/2015, 10/23/2016, 11/25/2016, 1/4/2017, 7/1/2018, 9/28/2018, 2/7/2019, 5/18/2019, 9/14/2019, 11/25/2020, 12/8/2020, 2/24/2021, 8/25/2021 and 4/11/2023.Comment:
[1] This Rule prevents a lawyer from circumventing the Rules of Professional Conduct by using a lawyer referral service or similar organization which would not be subject to the Rules of Professional Conduct. A lawyer may pay the usual charges of a lawyer referral service. A lawyer may not, however, share legal fees with a non-lawyer. See Rule 5.4(a).