Rule 570D - Assignment And Trial Of Homicide CasesA. The assignment and trial of any criminal case in which one or more of the offenses charged is any grade or type of homicide, including homicide by vehicle and homicide by vehicle while driving under the influence, shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this rule.B. Homicide cases shall be assigned to a trial judge by the President Judge. All matters thereafter shall be the responsibility of the assigned trial judge.C. Status, Pretrial, and case management conferences shall be scheduled at the discretion of the assigned trial judge.D. The trial judge shall issue a final Pretrial order establishing a firm trial date and containing any further final instructions. Once set, the firm trial date shall not be continued except for extraordinary circumstances. Copies of all Pretrial orders shall be provided to the President Judge, the District Court Administrator and counsel.E. Copies of all pre-trial orders shall be provided to the President Judge, the District Court Administrator and counsel.Adopted 9/30/2013 , effective 12/9/2013.