Rule 536 - Bail Pieces; Exoneration Of SuretyA. In all cases where a bail piece is lodged, the case shall proceed in accordance with the following procedures: 1. In all cases where the Defendant is lodged in the Lancaster County Prison pursuant to a bail piece, the Warden or his designee shall notify the District Court Administrator within twelve (12) hours of commitment.2. After notice from the Warden or his designee, the District Court Administrator shall schedule a hearing to take place within seven (7) days of the date the bail piece was lodged3. The District Court Administrator shall give prompt notice of the hearing to the Office of the Public Defender, District Attorney's Office, the Clerk of Courts of Lancaster County, and any surety involved in the matter. The District Attorney and Public Defender shall each assign an attorney for the hearing.4. The daily Business Judge shall conduct hearings on bail proceedings held pursuant to this Rule.5. A copy of the Court's Order following the hearing shall be promptly forwarded to the Lancaster County Prison.6. At any hearing conducted pursuant to [this] 536(A), the only determination shall be whether to dismiss the bail piece or whether bail shall be reset. No decision regarding the exoneration or remittance of any surety shall be made at a hearing conducted pursuant to [this] 536(A). 536(B) shall be the exclusive process to request exoneration or remission of any bondsman or fidelity/surety company.B. If a defendant is apprehended and returned to the Lancaster County Prison, the bondsman or fidelity/surety company or agent, may petition the Court of Common Pleas for full or partial exoneration or remittance of the amount of the bail bond under the following procedures: 1. All petitions for exoneration or remittance must be made in writing.2. All petitions for exoneration or remittance must be served on the Office of the District Attorney, who shall have ten (10) days to respond to the petition.3. A hearing on the petition shall be conducted upon the request of either party or by the Court sua sponte.4. No hearing shall be conducted until the expiration of the ten (10) day response period, unless agreed to by both parties.5. A petition for exoneration or remittance will not be considered if the funds in the Bail Judgment Account referred to in 536.1 have been transferred to the General Fund as outlined in 536.1(D).Revised 6/28/2011, effective 8/22/2011.