Rule 150 - Bench WarrantsA. In all cases where a bench warrant is executed, the case shall proceed in accordance with the following procedures: 1. In all cases where the Defendant is lodged in the Lancaster County Prison pursuant to the bench warrant, the Warden or his designee shall notify the District Court Administrator within twelve hours of commitment.2. After notice from the Warden or his designee, the District Court Administrator shall schedule a hearing within the time permitted by Pa.R.Crim.P. 150.3. The District Court Administrator shall give prompt notice of the hearing to the Office of the Public Defender, District Attorney's Office, and the Clerk of Courts for Lancaster County. The District Attorney and Public Defender shall each assign an attorney for the hearing. 4. The daily Business Judge shall conduct hearings on bench warrants held pursuant to this Rule. This Rule shall be effective for individuals detained on or after August 1, 2006.