Rule 2.501 - STIPULATED OR EX PARTE MATTERS FOR WHICH THE DOCUMENTS MUST BE PRESENTED CONVENTIONALLY AND MAY NOT BE ELECTRONICALLY FILEDIn the following subject matter areas, the listed stipulated or ex parte documents, and any documents that will be served simultaneously with a document listed in this rule, must be presented conventionally and may not be electronically filed, except as provided in subsections (2)(b), (2)(c), (2)(d), (2)(e) and (2)(i).
(1) Civil Case Matters. To be presented pursuant to SLR 5.061:(a) Assurance of Voluntary Compliance(b) Judgment Debtor Bench Warrant(c) Registration of a Foreign Writ, Orders, Letters Rogatory(d) Transport of witness or party(e) Writ of Mandamus Show Cause(2) Family Case Matters. To be presented pursuant to SLR 5.061(a) Emergency Custody and Parenting Relief based on Immediate Danger(b) Elderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities Abuse Prevention Act petitions, which must be heard pursuant to SLR 5.061 but may be submitted electronically or conventionally(c) Family Abuse Prevention Act petitions, which must be heard pursuant to SLR 5.061 but may be submitted electronically or conventionally(d) Family Abuse Prevention Act dismissals and motions for modification, which must be heard pursuant to SLR 5.061 but may be submitted electronically or conventionally(e) Motion for Alternative Process Service may be submitted electronically or conventionally(g) Pre-judgment Temporary Protective Orders of Restraint(h) Postponements for hearings set within two weeks of the date of motion(i) Sexual Abuse Prevention Act petitions, which must be heard pursuant to SLR 5.061 but may be submitted electronically or conventionally(j) Warrant in lieu of Habeas CorpusAmended effective 2/1/2024.