Rule 13.161 - TIME FOR ARBITRATION HEARING(1) Pursuant to UTCR 13.160 (2), except for good cause shown, the arbitration hearing must be held within 90 days from the date the case is assigned to an arbitrator.(2) The arbitrator may reschedule the arbitration hearing date based on a stipulation of the parties if the requested date is within the 90-day deadline. Any request to reschedule the arbitration hearing beyond the 90-day deadline must be approved by the presiding judge or his or her designee. The arbitrator must notify the trial court administrator of any rescheduled arbitration hearing date.(3) If the arbitration hearing is not held within 90 days from the date the case was assigned to an arbitrator and the court has not granted a reset beyond the 90-day deadline, the court will issue an order to show cause why the case should not be removed from the arbitration program. The court may remove the case from arbitration for good cause, which may include the parties' failure to establish extraordinary circumstances justifying the delay in the arbitration hearing date.(4) UTCR 13.160 applies except as specified by this local rule.Amended effective 2/1/2024.