Rule 12.005 - CUSTODY AND PARENTING TIME MEDIATION COMMISSION(1) A Custody and Parenting Time Mediation Commission is established. (a) Function: The Commission's function shall be to provide a forum for communication among judges, conciliation counselors, and the Bar, and to advise Conciliation Services on policy and program planning.(b) Composition of the Commission shall be: The judges from the Family Law team and two attorneys.(c) Ex officio members shall be: Supervisor of Conciliation Services and Presiding Judge of the Twentieth Judicial District.(d) Quorum: Two members of the Commission, including at least one attorney and one judge, shall constitute a quorum.(2) The Presiding Judge shall appoint the Commission members who shall serve at the pleasure of the Presiding Judge. The Presiding Judge may appoint additional members.Amended effective 2/1/2024.