Rule 9.055 - REQUIREMENTS WHEN MINOR CHILD OR INCAPACITATED PERSON APPEARS BY GUARDIAN AD LITEM(1) A conservatorship on behalf of the minor child or incapacitated person generally will be required for any case where personal injury or wrongful death settlement proceeds are at issue in excess of the amount allowed in ORS 126.725. (a) Bond and standard annual accounting requirements may be waived if the funds are restricted until the minor attains age of majority. In lieu of such accountings the court will require copies of the first and last bank statements for each standard accounting period to be filed with the court.(b) Restricted accounts on behalf of a minor child or incapacitated person must be confirmed by a signed acknowledgment from the bank or brokerage firm which discloses the account number, type and account balance as required in UTCR 9.050. Exceptions for diminutive amounts may be requested. The required signed acknowledgement form is included in Appendix VII to these rules.(c) Approval of damage settlement amounts for the benefit of a minor child or incapacitated person appearing by guardian ad litem in a lawsuit, except those cases assigned for a trial to a trial department, are a basic responsibility of the persons specified in ORS125.060(3).Tillamook Supp. L. R. 9.055
Amended effective 2/1/2024.