Polk Cnty. Supp. L. R. 9.081

As amended through November 29, 2024

Oral objections made under ORS 125.075 to a petition in a protective proceeding shall be voiced at the front counter in Room 301 of the Polk County Courthouse and during the hours of court operations listed in SLR 1.151. The objecting party can reach the court clerk by telephone at 503-623-3154 (voice) or by email to PLK.Court.Info@ojd.state.or.us. A form for filing a written objection is available on the court's website.

The respondent or protected person may also make objections orally to an appointed Court Visitor. Court Visitors shall include any objections by the respondent or protected person in the Visitor Report. The objection should be in bold and underlined [so as] to call its attention to the court.

Objections must be received by the court within fifteen (15) days of service of the Petition.

Polk Cnty. Supp. L. R. 9.081

Amended effective 2/1/2024.