Rule 10.20 - ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES OVER PROVISION OF PUBLIC SERVICES FOR PRISON SITES(1) When a motion is filed under ORS 421.628(7) seeking selection of an arbitrator: (a) The case title shall identify the moving party as the petitioner and the adverse party as the respondent.(b) The motion shall be entitled "MOTION FOR SELECTION OF ARBITRATOR UNDER ORS 421.628(7)."(c) The motion may nominate one or more arbitrators and shall suggest rules and procedures for the arbitration proceeding.(d) The moving party shall serve a copy of the motion on the adverse party and the motion shall contain proof of service on the adverse party.(e) The adverse party shall have 14 days after the date the motion was filed to file an answer to the motion. The adverse party may nominate one or more arbitrators and may suggest alternative rules and procedures for the arbitration proceeding.(f) When the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals selects an arbitrator and decides the rules and procedures to be followed in the proceeding, the Administrator shall so inform the parties. Thereafter, the parties will be responsible for contacting the arbitrator and making arrangements for the arbitration proceeding, including sharing the expense of the arbitration proceeding and the arbitrator's fee.(2) Following the arbitration proceeding, if either party files exceptions to the arbitrator's decision and award:(a) The case caption shall contain the same case title and appellate case number as the motion for selection of arbitrator and the exceptions shall have attached to it a copy of the arbitrator's decision and award.(b) The arbitrator shall have 14 days after the date of being served with a copy of the exceptions to submit to the Court of Appeals the original of the arbitration decision together with any exhibits, memoranda or other written materials made part of the record by the arbitrator.(c) No later than 14 days after the arbitrator's record is submitted to the Court of Appeals, any party wishing to have a special master appointed shall file a motion demonstrating the need for a special master. The adverse party shall have 14 days to file an answer to the motion. If the court appoints a special master, the court's order will prescribe the rules and procedure for the proceeding before the special master.(d) If no party requests appointment of a special master, the party filing objections shall have 14 days after the arbitrator submits the record to the court to serve and file a memorandum in support of the objections.(e) If a special master is appointed, the party filing objections shall have 14 days after the special master submits the special master's findings to the court to file a memorandum in support of the objections.(f) The adverse party shall have 14 days after being served with the memorandum in support of the objections to file an answer to the objections.(g) The court in its discretion will hear oral argument on the objections to the arbitrator's decision.