Rule 5.55 - [Effective until 1/1/2025] RESPONDENT'S ANSWERING BRIEF(1)(a) The respondent's answering brief must follow the form prescribed for the appellant's opening brief, omitting repetition of the verbatim parts of the record in appellant's assignments of error. (b) The brief must contain a concise answer to each of the appellant's assignments of error preceding respondent's own argument as to each.(2) Under the heading "Statement of the Case," the respondent specifically shall accept the appellant's statement of the case, or shall identify any alleged omissions or inaccuracies, and may state additional relevant facts or other matters of record as may apply to the appeal, including any significant motion filed on appeal and the disposition of the motion. The additional statement shall refer to the pages of the transcript, narrative statement, audio record, record, or excerpt in support thereof but without unnecessary repetition of the appellant's statement.(3) In the Court of Appeals, the respondent's brief may also include, under the heading "ORAP 10.30," a statement explaining whether, in the respondent's view, the court's decision in the case should be precedential under the factors listed in ORAP 10.30(2).(4) If a cross-appeal is abandoned, the respondent shall immediately notify the appellate court in writing and, if notice has not been given previously, the respondent shall notify the court of the abandonment when the respondent's answering brief is filed, in writing and separately from the brief. (5) If the court gives an appellant leave to file a supplemental brief after the respondent's answering brief has been filed, the respondent may file a supplemental respondent's answering brief addressing those issues raised in the appellant's supplemental brief. Amended November 15, 2018, effective 1/1/2019; amended and temporary May 16, 2022, effective 6/1/2022.