In the Court of Appeals:
Statement of Case or Statement of Facts
Assignment of Error
In Opening Brief, abbreviate as AE 1, AE 2, etc.
In Answering/Response brief, abbreviate as AE 1 Response, AE 2 Response, etc.
Include concise description of the AE or response to AE.
Cross-assignments of error are abbreviated as CAE 1, CAE 2, etc.
AE 2: Permanent disability finding is not supported by substantial evidence.
AE 2 Response: Finding supported by substantial evidence and reason.
CAE 1: Resident voided lease.
Order (specify source: WCB, ALJ, ODFW, etc.)
In the Supreme Court:
Facts and Proceedings
Question(s) Presented
Proposed Rules(s) of Law
Order (specify source: WCB, ALJ, ODFW, etc.)
Opinion (specify source: COA, Trial Panel, Special Master, etc.)
Or. R. App. P. 16 app 16.50