Rule 8.121 - INFORMAL DOMESTIC RELATIONS TRIAL (IDRT)Pursuant to UTCR 8.120, parties to a domestic relations case may choose to have an IDRT or a traditional trial. Each party shall file a Trial Selection and Waiver for Informal Domestic Relations Trial (IDRT). The form can be found on the court's website under Family Law Oregon Judicial Department : Forms : Self Help : State of Oregon . If any party to the case does not elect IDRT in writing, the court will set a traditional trial.
(1) If parties elect to proceed with IDRT, the court will set a pre-trial conference with the trial judge prior to the scheduled trial date. (a) In person appearance at the pre-trial conference is mandatory. Failure by either party to attend the pre-trial conference may result in the IDRT returning to a traditional trial.(b) Expert reports will be received as exhibits. At the pre-trial conference if a party requests that an expert be allowed to testify, the judge may determine a traditional trial is necessary to allow cross-examination. (c) At any point prior to or during the IDRT, but before a judgment has been entered, the trial judge may determine the matter is not suitable for IDRT and the matter shall be reset for a traditional trial. (d) Information on the IDRT process is available in UTCR 8.120 and on the state website on the Programs & Committees page under Family Law Oregon Judicial Department : Informal Domestic Relations Trial : Forms : State of Oregon}Josephine Supp. L. R. 8.121
Amended effective 2/1/2024.